Shades of Blue Dining Room

This week I designed an eclectic dining room that will hopefully give you a few decorating ideas for your home. 

The dining room design incorporates both masculine and feminine elements and a color palette using multiple shades of blue. 

If you appreciate the design ideas, make sure to subscribe to receive blog updates via email (see the gray box on the right of the screen).

Fun Design Friday - Shades of Blue Dining Room.  Interior designer, decorator, table, chair, chandelier, rug, art, flowers, ideas, decorating

Eclectic Purple, Red, and Navy Bedroom

Today I decided to mix things up a bit and design a bedroom. 

This bedroom design showcases an eclectic mix of traditional and contemporary as well as masculine and feminine. 

I hope that this design will give you a few ideas when decorating your bedroom.  

If you appreciate the design ideas, make sure to subscribe to receive blog updates via email (see the gray box on the right of the screen).

Fun Design Friday, Eclectic, Purple, Red, Navy, Bedroom, interior designer, decorator, ideas, home, decor

Contemporary Blue, Gray, and Gold Living Room

This week I created another living room design, but this one is a bit more feminine with softer colors and some ornate furniture.  

It is an eclectic style with some unique and dramatic pieces. 

I hope this design gives you a few ideas for decorating your own living room. 

If you appreciate the design ideas, make sure to subscribe to receive blog updates via email.

Fun Design Friday -  Contemporary Blue, Gray, And Gold Living Room - interior designer, decorator, decorate, decor, den, great room, sofa, chairs, art, chandelier, rug, accessories

Shades of Blue Living Room

When designing for clients, I often run across products that I really like, however are not appropriate for the project I am working on. 

I end up saving the item and often forgetting about it. 

In an effort to show off the cool things that I find, and give you some interior design ideas, I decided to create a few room designs just for fun.

I will be publishing blog posts with these designs over the next few weeks, as time permits.

Today I am going to showcase my first design that I created named "Shades of Blue Living Room". 

If you appreciate the design ideas, make sure to subscribe to receive blog updates via email (see the gray box on the right of the screen).

Fun Design Friday, shades, Blue, Living, Room, professional, interior design, decorator, designer, art, rug, end table, chairs, accessories

How to Use Essential Oils in Your Home

I have heard about essential oils for years from my friends, however I have never used them until earlier this month when I bought my first oils. 

There is so much information about oils that I was overwhelmed as to what brand to purchase. 

I read many reviews online and looked at prices of different brands. 

After I decided on a brand to purchase, I then had to select the oils that I wanted to purchase. 

I was unsure of what I was going to want, so I purchased a set of 6 of the most popular oils. 


You can use essential oils to scent cleaning products or as insect repellent, however I use my oils as aromatherapy using a diffuser #ad to scent my home.


I prefer using an essential oil diffuser instead of burning candles because candles can be a fire hazard (especially if you have young kids), many candles contain hazardous chemicals that are released when burning, diffusers do not produce harmful smoke, essential oil diffusers allow me to change the scents easily, diffusers allow me to experiment mixing different scents together in different amounts to create a perfect blend, and essential oils have health benefits.

How to Use Essential Oils in Your Home


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