Christmas Decorating - Lessons Learned for Next Year

I spent this past weekend packing up most of my Christmas decorations.

In the past month or so, through decorating and undecorating, I have learned a few lessons that will help me when decorating for Christmas again in November.

Christmas Decorating - Lessons Learned for Next Year!

The Most Common Decorating Mistakes People Make

I get to see many homes as an interior designer. 

Some homes are very nicely decorated, but just need a few finishing touches. 

Other homes need a lot more help. 

Here are the most common decorating mistakes I see in many of the homes I visit.

decoratingmistakesphoto courtesy of Bill Wilson

The Correct Way to Hang Curtains and Drapes

I have had several conversations recently about the proper way to hang curtains. 

There are some definite wrong ways to hang curtains, however there are several correct ways to hang curtains. 

curtainsphoto courtesy of Posh Surfside

Tips and Tricks for Hanging Art

Many people purchase a piece of art for their home, find the nearest wall, then attach that art to the wall in a random location above their heads. 

The hanging of artwork needs to be calculated and not just attached to the nearast wall.

There is a better way to hang artwork to make it more visually appealing. 

Here are a few tips and tricks that I have picked up over the years for how to hang artwork.


Interior Design Trends - What's In, What's Out, and What's Here to Stay

When designing or decorating your home, you should know what is trendy and what is classic. 

If you go with something that is trendy, you should use an up and coming trend instead of the trend that is going out of style. 

Here is a list of some home design trends that are in, others that are out, and the classic ones that are here to stay.



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