Kitchen Remodel Upgrades

When remodeling a kitchen (or designing a kitchen for a new home), many people spend hours deciding on the aesthetic choices - the color of the countertops or the style of cabinet doors. 

What should be more important than aesthetics is the function of your kitchen. 

Consider these functional upgrades for your kitchen when remodeling.

Kitchen Remodel UpgradesInterior design by Fletcher Design Consultants

Attraction Through Interior Design

I believe that your home's interior design can attract or detract people. 

Whether you are looking for a girlfriend, a boyfriend, or a roommate, you should decorate your home in order to increase your chances of attracting the right people. 

Here are some common problems people have when decorating that hinders them from attracting the right people.

Attraction Through Interior DesignInterior design by Houston area home builder, photo by Fletcher Design Consultants

How to Make Your Home Special

Most of the homes I visit are mass produced by builders who build the same homes over and over again (plus or minus a bedroom or bathroom). 

Even custom home builders use the same basic and boring materials for a home because they are familiar with them, they are readily available, they already know how to install them, and they are cheap so they keep costs down. 

So, what can you do to make your home the special and one of a kind show place that you want?  Here are a few ideas.

How to Make Your Home SpecialInterior design by Fletcher Design Consultants


Is your home generic and boring? 

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