Don't Be Scared - It's Only Paint

Why are your walls builder beige or some other boring neutral color? 

I can understand using a neutral paint color in rooms where repainting would require more than two days and/or a very tall ladder, but there is no excuse for being boring and generic in smaller rooms or on an accent wall. 

Please don't be scared of painting - it is the least expensive yet most dramatic thing you can do to a room. 

Each room in your home needs at least one focal point and using an interesting paint color can give you the focal point that you need to make your room more interesting and one of a kind.

Don't Be Scared - It's Only PaintInterior design by Houston area home builder, photo by Fletcher Design Consultants

How to Upgrade a Boring Builder Grade Bathroom

Since the majority of my clients live in the suburbs in a sea of builder grade homes, I have seen the exact same bathroom over and over again. 

White cabinets, white cultured marble countertops, a huge mirror that covers the entire wall, and the most basic light fixture over each sink. 

If everything in your bathroom functions properly and is in good repair, then you do not have to do a full remodel in order to get an upgraded look. 

Here are a few tips to spruce up your bathroom without breaking the bank.

How to Upgrade a Boring Builder Grade BathroomInterior design by Fletcher Design Consultants

How to Add Romance to a Room

Today is Valentine's Day, so everyone is thinking about flowers, chocolate, and romance. 

On that note, have you thought about making small changes to your home to make it more romantic? 

Consider all of your senses when decorating at add a bit of romance.

How to Add Romance to a RoomInterior design by Houston area home builder, photo by Fletcher Design Consultants

Proper Lighting in Your Home

Let me guess - most of the rooms in your home have one light fixture in the center of the ceiling and no other source of light in the room. 

That one fixture provides the bare minimum when it comes to lighting your room.  

In order to have good lighting in your home, you should have more than one light fixture. 

Having multiple sources of light not only looks better, but it allows you to customize the lighting per the time of day and activity in the room. 

Use at least two of the following types of lighting in each room to have proper lighting in your home.

Proper Lighting in Your HomeInterior design by Houston area home builder, photo by Fletcher Design Consultants

How to Decorate Your Home With Accessories

I recently blogged about styling accessories in your home, however that is just a portion of the decorating process when it comes to accessories. 

The main problems that people have with accessories is that they either purchase too many things, too few things, or the wrong things. 

Here are some designer tips and tricks for decorating your home with accessories.

How to Decorate Your Home With AccessoriesInterior design by Houston area home builder, photo by Fletcher Design Consultants


Is your home generic and boring? 

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